The first day of VBS 2024 had one hundred thirty-eight kids spending 3 hours in our church building. Some came excitedly, eager to participate in all the planned activities and to make new friends; some came in tears pulling back in trepidation and nervousness. There was all manner of emotion on the young faces as they walked into our church to kick off this year’s event.
At 7:30am in the library, which is our volunteer hub, leaders were grabbing clipboards and connecting with teen helpers. Questions were being aired and last-minute details were dealt with. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as seventy-eight volunteers prepared. When it was time to pray, I felt overwhelmed knowing that God is at work in His people. He brought these people here. His people. His purpose. His message. This is the Body of Christ, equipped and ready to love the kids that are coming through the front doors and to speak the gospel of reconciliation to God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son.
We all came here for more than a program. We are the Church, the Body of Christ, many members, one body. We came to VBS because of our relationship with Christ, and to be in relationship with these kids who are just learning about God and His ways. How do I put these thoughts into a 90 second pep talk to this amazing team? “Thank you for being here for this.” I said, but mere words are not enough.
We are on mission for Christ and His Kingdom! Let the mission begin!
The next 3 hours flew by! We started worshiping by singing the familiar prior VBS songs, “My God is so Big” and “God so Loved” and ending with newer tunes “Build Your Kingdom Here” and “For the Cause of Christ the King.”
Our theme verse was John 3:16, (hmm that is fitting).
We performed a skit, filled with amazing talent from Pastor Mark as “Pa”, Kate McClellan as “Grace” Pastor Bryan as “wild, wild, Billy Bob West” and Sheriff Paul McNeal.
Game time was organized by Sherri Teasck, who is always somehow able to adjust to anything thrown in her direction and make it fun. It always seems like her last second adjustment was the plan the whole time!
During Bible class, led by Kate McClellan, our lesson had us join the children of Israel and Moses on their journey to the Promised Land!
What would VBS be without a craft to bring home? Denise Louhi and her team always make craft time one of the kids’ favorite events.
Our kids feasted on snacks put together by Lis Feiro. The mission discussion, led by a variety of guests, talked about what our global partners do, and how the church (and themselves) can support their ministries.
Winding down the day, we shared encounter time. Each group of kids sat down with their leader and talked about the day. We ask questions like, “What was our Bible story about? What did God do? What did the people do? What does God still do? What do we do?
By day end there was lots of laughter, excitement, and fun, with only 1 skinned knee!
As I look back, I feel like I don’t remember many of the small details about the day, so everything must have gone pretty smoothly. There is one thing I can for sure look back at and know with every confidence: God did that.
At 7:30am in the library, which is our volunteer hub, leaders were grabbing clipboards and connecting with teen helpers. Questions were being aired and last-minute details were dealt with. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as seventy-eight volunteers prepared. When it was time to pray, I felt overwhelmed knowing that God is at work in His people. He brought these people here. His people. His purpose. His message. This is the Body of Christ, equipped and ready to love the kids that are coming through the front doors and to speak the gospel of reconciliation to God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son.
We all came here for more than a program. We are the Church, the Body of Christ, many members, one body. We came to VBS because of our relationship with Christ, and to be in relationship with these kids who are just learning about God and His ways. How do I put these thoughts into a 90 second pep talk to this amazing team? “Thank you for being here for this.” I said, but mere words are not enough.
We are on mission for Christ and His Kingdom! Let the mission begin!
The next 3 hours flew by! We started worshiping by singing the familiar prior VBS songs, “My God is so Big” and “God so Loved” and ending with newer tunes “Build Your Kingdom Here” and “For the Cause of Christ the King.”
Our theme verse was John 3:16, (hmm that is fitting).
We performed a skit, filled with amazing talent from Pastor Mark as “Pa”, Kate McClellan as “Grace” Pastor Bryan as “wild, wild, Billy Bob West” and Sheriff Paul McNeal.
Game time was organized by Sherri Teasck, who is always somehow able to adjust to anything thrown in her direction and make it fun. It always seems like her last second adjustment was the plan the whole time!
During Bible class, led by Kate McClellan, our lesson had us join the children of Israel and Moses on their journey to the Promised Land!
What would VBS be without a craft to bring home? Denise Louhi and her team always make craft time one of the kids’ favorite events.
Our kids feasted on snacks put together by Lis Feiro. The mission discussion, led by a variety of guests, talked about what our global partners do, and how the church (and themselves) can support their ministries.
Winding down the day, we shared encounter time. Each group of kids sat down with their leader and talked about the day. We ask questions like, “What was our Bible story about? What did God do? What did the people do? What does God still do? What do we do?
By day end there was lots of laughter, excitement, and fun, with only 1 skinned knee!
As I look back, I feel like I don’t remember many of the small details about the day, so everything must have gone pretty smoothly. There is one thing I can for sure look back at and know with every confidence: God did that.