As we at Chisholm Baptist continue growing in our purpose to love God, love others, and make disciples, we are on a journey toward a multiplication effort of Jesus followers out of love for God and others. He is our motivation for living and sharing the Good News of Jesus to the world. We are His disciples and are called to be disciple-makers.
Being a disciple-maker, in its simplest form, is living like Jesus and leading others to do the same. Disciple making has a multiplying factor to it. Anyone who places their faith and trust in Jesus is empowered with His Holy Spirit to grow in Him and serve Him. We are equipped to grow and serve in the context of the church. We are also called to a broken world that also needs to understand who Jesus is as the One true hope. We do this by building relationships around us and walking like Jesus around them and sharing the hope already within us.
To do this takes full dependence on God’s Spirit, prayer, understanding God’s Word, and accountability within the body of Christ. This will help us be equipped to continue to grow in our relationship to each other and the world around us. The key is that we are not just equipped with head knowledge that we don’t use. We are equipped to be fruitful followers of Jesus. This means making disciples who, in turn, make disciples.
But how do we get there? It may sound difficult, but often the most difficult part is not in the understanding but in the doing. It takes dependence on and faith in God to take steps out of our comfort zones. It is believing that God is bigger than our fears, our personalities, our past, or what others think of us. It may be a humble spot to get to but that is the point that God can truly use us.
Becoming a fruitful follower of Christ is a process and journey. But no matter where we are on the journey, there is movement toward maturity in Christ and a look outward toward a broken world without Him.
We are going to be asking our church to come along with us on this journey in practical ways to help us become fruitful followers of Jesus. How thankful we can be that Jesus said, “And I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20)
Being a disciple-maker, in its simplest form, is living like Jesus and leading others to do the same. Disciple making has a multiplying factor to it. Anyone who places their faith and trust in Jesus is empowered with His Holy Spirit to grow in Him and serve Him. We are equipped to grow and serve in the context of the church. We are also called to a broken world that also needs to understand who Jesus is as the One true hope. We do this by building relationships around us and walking like Jesus around them and sharing the hope already within us.
To do this takes full dependence on God’s Spirit, prayer, understanding God’s Word, and accountability within the body of Christ. This will help us be equipped to continue to grow in our relationship to each other and the world around us. The key is that we are not just equipped with head knowledge that we don’t use. We are equipped to be fruitful followers of Jesus. This means making disciples who, in turn, make disciples.
But how do we get there? It may sound difficult, but often the most difficult part is not in the understanding but in the doing. It takes dependence on and faith in God to take steps out of our comfort zones. It is believing that God is bigger than our fears, our personalities, our past, or what others think of us. It may be a humble spot to get to but that is the point that God can truly use us.
Becoming a fruitful follower of Christ is a process and journey. But no matter where we are on the journey, there is movement toward maturity in Christ and a look outward toward a broken world without Him.
We are going to be asking our church to come along with us on this journey in practical ways to help us become fruitful followers of Jesus. How thankful we can be that Jesus said, “And I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20)