Have You Discovered CBC?

This fall we are having training about Chisholm Baptist Church and the direction that we are going together. Most of us know our purpose at CBC: Love God. Love others. Make disciples. We have outlined in messages and communication what each of these mean. The next step is to understand where each of us are at on the pathway to grow in these areas and how to serve so we can encourage one another along the way. To continue to grow as a church in a lost and dark world, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. We must intentionally focus on how to make disciples so we can see more people come to know Jesus and love Him.

To maximize our efforts for the gospel to the world, this takes a common understanding. This is why it is important for each person who calls Chisholm Baptist their church family to go to the Discover CBC training. It will be the same training that people who are new to our church will have. They will learn not just about the church, but how to grow in making disciples of Jesus and how to serve His Church. It will be important for us to share our vision together so we can encourage each other in the journey and also those new to our church.

Remember, the basic idea of a disciple is a learner and follower of Jesus. This is a process that will never end in our lifetime. The life of a Jesus-follower is one that perseveres. We bear fruit as we abide in Jesus.

So, we will learn together how to be fruit bearers and understand how we can be equipped to follow Jesus and lead others to follow Him. We believe God is asking us to really live according to our purpose taken from the Scriptures. This may mean we will have to pray about how we can reprioritize and realign our lives more closely with God’s purposes. It may be a bit scary but also exciting! Maybe God is leading us to a new adventure in our lives as we step out and use the gifts He has given each of us.

Learn about the goal of an ideal disciple and then learn how each of us can get there. Our deepening love for God and others will compel us in this journey. Come, learn, serve, grow. Let’s do this together.

Sign up for the two-session Discover CBC Training on Sundays this fall. They are available in two-week cycles both during the 9:00am and the 10:45am services. Other Sunday school classes will be available…it is only for two weeks anytime until December 11. All training will be held in the West Wing, room 302. Sign up for your two weeks by going to the Sunday school schedule in our app!
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Mark Anderson


